New Here? WELCOME!!

Trying a new church can be hard... so we encourage you take a look around and get a feel for what we believe, our worship service style, and our ministries. Leave us a message if you have any prayer requests or questions, and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

What to Expect

When you visit us in-person for a service you will experience live, contemporary, and heartfelt worship followed by a practical and relevant message teaching Biblical truths. Come early and enjoy a hot cup of coffee and, if you’re so inclined, get to know a few folks before the service begins. If you have kids, please ask us about our children’s programs. 

Get Involved

 We are always looking for ways to help people get plugged in to the church family. Jesus called us to love and serve others, in the same way He did while He was here on this earth. Here at Chester Assembly you will have opportunities to serve others in meaningful and fulfilling ways… after all, using our gifts and talents in the fullness of all God intended for us is the most fulfilling life we can live!

Reaching the World

We are an Assemblies of God church with a heart for the lost and hurting locally and worldwide. Missions is in the DNA of the nearly 13,000 AG churches in the U.S. with over 3 million members and adherents. There are more than 69 million Assemblies of God members worldwide, making the Assemblies of God the world’s largest Pentecostal denomination.


When you visit us you will find that we have a modern and casual worship service. You’ll see people wearing everything from torn jeans or shorts and flip-flops to those in their “Sunday Best”. What you wear or how you look is not all that important to us! What IS important is the opportunity we have to get to know God in a deeper and more personal way as we gather together.

Have Kids?

Our Children’s Ministry is called 411Kids. When you arrive at the service you can check your kids into our Kids’ Zone where they will participate in a Children’s Church service that is focused on teaching them to love Jesus and serve Him. Our leaders and volunteers are all background checked and trained. You can enjoy the service knowing your children are in a safe and loving environment where they will learn about Jesus in a way that engages them!

Growing Together

There is a saying that goes something like “If you’re not growing, you’re dying”. We know that without a steady diet of spiritual nourishment our relationship with God will suffer and ultimately may die. We want to help you grow, so we have purchased a subscription to rightnow MEDIA – the “Netflix for Bible Study” for everyone who wants it! All you have to do is click on this tile and it will take you to the sign-up page. Totally FREE, no obligation!

Get Connected

We have many ways for you to get connected with others and serve. Check our Sunday bulletin or watch our online gatherings for the most up-to-date information on how you can get plugged in!

Service Times


Adult Sunday School @ 9:15am
Sunday Worship & 411 Kids Service @ 10:30am

SWAG Youth Group @ 6:00pm Sundays



Our Mission & Vision

At Chester Assembly our vision and mission is to love God, love others as He loves us, and embrace the messes of life!

Chester Assembly exists to bring the love of Christ to all of the broken and hurting people in our community and beyond. We believe that Jesus is CRAZY about broken people, after all, that is who He spent the majority of his time hanging out with! We are all broken and in need of Divine Healing, and we know that life and ministry can be messy. Let’s take the journey together through this messy life!

When the religious leaders asked Him what the greatest commandment was, Jesus replied “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: Love your neighbor as yourself. The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.”  Matthew 22:37-40

We know that’s a tall order, but with God’s help it is our mission and vision to fulfill these commandments that Jesus identified as the cornerstone of the Christian faith. Our service and love for you, our neighbors, flows out of our love for God and our gratitude for what he has done in our lives!

View a Service

Watch a recent service now to get a feel for what we’re all about. We hope that after watching a service or two and spending some time on our website you will feel right at home when you come visit us for the first time!

Directions to Chester Assembly

Contact us with questions or prayer requests

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